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The Child

Through a Window

Lipstick on a Cigarette


The Portrait. The Amusement Park

Reproduce Yourself

So ashamed of


The Horses

The Kites on the Beach

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A Child on the Beach is a tale about the end of a childhood, plasticpearls and bicycles in parking lots. A weekend-father is holding an ice-cream cone, while an old Lady sweeps the concrete floor of a seaside bar. Then she turns the closed-sign on the windowpane. The beach is almost empty.

I thank Katherina for spending so much time talking with me about the content of this project. She managed to find the words and perspectives I could not have found myself. Childhood and bus-rides to the seaside. How far can that get you?

I also thank Felix for being there and ready, with all his patience, not sparing any effort at all. I thank Kathi for getting on board, getting into the music and words with an incredible feeling for the subject. I would like to thank Divad for introducing me to fivefourths and his being himself.  And finally I would like to thank Thomas and Gabriele for their unconditional support whenever I seem to need it. Thank you.

I would also like to thank Robert for lending us his 12string guitar (which I haven’t returned yet - at least I’m aware of that), Hjörtur for lending us his bassguitar and Stefan for lending us microphones and stands. Furthermore thanks to Michi & Àrni, Bernhard & Silke, Daniela, Monika & Michael, Andrea and Helmut, Martin & Irene, Jana, Flo and Armela für den Goldbildrahmen.




A Child on the Beach was recorded from the 2nd to the 6th of February 2015 at PEACECASTLEMUSIC Studio. All songs were performed by Chili Tomasson and the Cinema Electric:

Divad Bitschnau: drums (1–10), bass (2,7), percussion (1,2,4,5,6,10)

Felix Ofenböck: bass (8)

Katharina Weinkamer: piano (1,2,4, 6,7,8,9,10), organ (3,5), vocals (2,3,5,6,)

Katherina Braschel: organ (2, 4,8,9), bass (1,6,10), vocals (2,3,5,6) and vocals in Amusement Park

Chili Tomasson: electric guitar (1,2,4,6,7,9,1), 12-string guitar (3,5,6), bass (3,4,5,9,10), vocals, piano (3,5)

all words and music by Chili Tomasson

All songs performed by Chili Tomasson and the Cinema Electric

Produced by Felix Ofenböck

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Felix Ofenböck

Cover photography by Katherina Braschel





PEACECASTLEMUSIC 2015. all rights reserved.



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